Business Improvement

Six Sigma is a very powerful tool available to any organisation to reduce the opportunity for defects in the organisation. This tool will be more effective if it is used by organisation to achieve their organizational objectives with minimal deviation.

Six Sigma uses a disciplined problem solving process with a wide application of statistical techniques to reduce variation and defects in a process. It focuses on mainly controlling the process inputs and the process steps. This is a unique improvement step from traditional measurement of outputs to eliminating inspection and rework processes.

Implementation of six sigma in an organisation will help to drive out the errors through significant process improvement and competitively move towards achieving business excellence.

Six Sigma has two specific stages. The first stage is to train selected people from the organisation on Green Belt and Black Belt Syllabus as specified by some reputed organizations like for instance ASQ (American Society for Quality). The next stage is to identify deliverables of the organisation (internally and externally) and apply the techniques of Six Sigma.

The entire process happens in an organisation through DMAIC Approach, (D-Define, M-Measure, A-Analyse, I-Improve, and C- Control). In some of the organisations where Design Services are being offered, DMADOV Model, (D-Define, M-Measure, A-Analyse, D-Design, Optimise and Validate) is used.

  • Total Quality Management focuses on continuously
  • Maximising Customer Satisfaction,
  • Improving resources
  • Identifying and eliminating non-value added activities
  • Embedding continuous improvement culture in all areas of operations
  • We provide consultancy to establish TQM framework in line with Business Excellence Models like
    • Deming Model
    • CII Exim Bank / EFQM Model
    • Golden Peacock award Model

Total Productive Maintenance focuses on achieving and sustaining zero equipment breakdown, zero quality defects, zero customer complaint, zero accidents

It is a simple and effective methodology of Total Loss Elimination leading to improved work environment, motivated employees, delighted customers, building brand image.

  • We offer consultancy for TPM –
  • Establishing 8 Pillars of TPM
  • Step by step implementation of TPM pillars
  • Awareness training on TPM Pillars


  • 5S House Keeping and Visual Management Control helps in total employee involvement.
  • We provide consultancy to implement 5S with following scope
  • Formation of 5S Committee
  • Zone Mapping
  • 5S Awareness Training
  • Implementing each ‘S’
  • Setting metrics for 5S monitoring
  • 5S Audit


  • Kaizen is a Japanese terminology meaning change for good.
  • Kaizen is a key continual improvement tool. We provide consultancy for Kaizen
  • Formation of Kaizen Committee
  • Establishing Criteria for Kaizen Qualification
  • Kaizen Training
  • Regular monitoring of Kaizen implementation
  • Conducting Kaizen Competition within the company


Quality Control Circle is a small group activity focusing on achieving best results in the area of P, Q, C, D, S, M, E

  • We provide consultancy for QCC with following scope
  • Formation of Quality Circle Teams
  • Training the team members on Quality Circle, Problem Solving Steps
  • Hands on guidance in implementing the steps of Quality Circle
  • Selection of best team through internal competition
  • Provide guidance in participating in external events.

Continual Improvement

Continual Improvement is an important approach in any organisation to achieve operation excellence.

  • We provide consultancy for continual improvement activities with following scope
  • Establishing the framework for continual improvement
  • Review with senior management on setting long term framework
  • Setting metrics for continual improvement in the areas of P, Q, C, D, S, M, E
  • Implementation guidance of various continual improvement techniques.

Industrial Engineering

Industrial engineering activities help organisation to standardize workplace activities using the concepts of time study, motion study, touch study.

  • We offer consultancy services for industrial engineering for
  • Layout optimisation
  • Calculating Standard Cycle time
  • Time Study/ Motion Study/ Touch Study
  • Industrial engineering activities help organisation to standardize workplace activities using the concepts of time study, motion study, touch study.
  • We offer consultancy services for industrial engineering for
  • Layout optimisation
  • Calculating Standard Cycle time
  • Time Study/ Motion Study/ Touch Study
  • Inculcating the required competencies for a job position is highly emphasized by industrial experts.
  • The challenge is mapping the competencies required for each job position.
  • We offer consultancy for
    • Creating the framework for competency mapping
    • Defining Job Descriptions
    • Establishing competencies (Technical, Managerial, Soft)
    • Evaluating the current levels with required levels
    • Identifying training needs
  • We carry high level competency in providing structured trainings to improve skill levels of people
  • We offer trainings to organisations and individuals in the following models
  • Standards Related (Awareness Training, Internal Auditors Training)
  • Technical Skills (Drawing Understanding, Process Understanding)
  • Managerial Skills (Analytical Ability, Decision Making)
  • Soft Skills (Leadership, Team Building, Communication, Presentation skills)

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